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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
~everyday life~

1. Jolene
2. (from here i dunno who to tag)

Rules of the game:Once you are tagged, you MUST DO this quiz and tag 16 friends, including the person who tagged you.
Copy and paste everything, do it and repost the title with whatever rank you were given.
Ranks are given at the bottom of this note
If you have done something in this school which is indicated by the sentence, mark the [ ] on the left side of the thing you have done with a x.
Let the game begin.
Level 1:
[x]Sleep in class
[x]Talked in class
[x]Not seating at your own place in class
[x]Scolded by a teacher
[x]Litter the classroom
[x]Did not do your homework
[x]Submitted your homework
[ ]put nail polish
[x] lepaking
[x]Did not pay attention in class
[x]dreaming in class
[x]goofing around in class
[x]Copied other people's homework
[x]Played a trick on your classmates
My Total: 13
Level 2:
[x]walking around
[x]late in class
[x]was abit naughty
[ ]shouted at the top of your voice during lesson time
[x]scolding vulgarities in class
[ ]spotted hairstyle deemed unacceptable by the school
[ ]used a school facility without school's permission
[x]play in class
[ ]singing loudly during lesson
[ ]walking around the class aimlessly during lesson time
[x]did not greet the teacher properly
[x]went to the toilet during lesson time without permission
[x]say bad about teacher
[ ]used the teacher's table as a rubbish dump
My Total: 8
Level 3:
[ ]made a fool out of morning assembly
[ ]wasted the school's toilet paper (AS IF THEY GIVE, WE BUY)
[ ]sabotaged someone
[ ]irritated someone
My Total:0
Level 4:
[x]forged your parent's signature
[x]forged a classmate's signature
My Total: 2
Level 5:
[x]fiddling with your handphone during lesson time
[ ]using school computer to play games without a teacher's permission
[x]listened to an MP3 player in school
My Total: 2
Level 6:
[ ]vandalise the school property
[ ]used the internet
[ ]fought with someone in school
My Total: 1
Level 7:
[x]cheated in a class test
[x]cheated in a school examination(I always failed to do so...)
[x]Lied to your teacher
My Total: 3
Level 8:
[ ]set fire to something in the school
[ ]locked the teacher out of the classroom
[x]played truancy just after coming to school just to take attendance
My Total: 0
Level 9:
[x]refused to pay school fees
[ ]cheated the school money
[ ]stole things which belonged to the school
[ ]bullied someone in school
[ ]pranked called your school
My Total: 1
Level 10:
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against a student leader
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against a teacher
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your discipline master/mistress
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your vice-principal
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your principal
My Total: 1
Level 11:
[ ]brought weapons to the school
[ ]brought real firearms to the school
[ ]brought a real bomb to the school
[ ]fired a real weapon in the school with the motive to frighten/kill
[ ]dressed up as a terrorist to school
My Total: 0
Grand total : 30

If you are between 0-15 -------------{I am a good student}
If you are between 16-20------------{I am a good student but with occasional trouble}
If you are between 21-30------------{I am an average student}
If you are between 31-40------------{I am a bad student}
If you are between 41-50------------{I am a very bad student}
If you are between 51-60------------{I should have been caned by the discipline master}
If you are between 61-65------------{I should have been expelled from school}
If you are between 66-75------------{I should have been sent to a reformatory centre }


Wednesday, September 9, 2009
~everyday life~

Erm..nothing to do so started blogging..boring~
here are some screwed pictures i took from KL..

journey in the car..

reached there around 4.30pm
view from the garden..
the garden >.<

family all came =0
picture from the balcony..
bedroom, so messy =s
Yeah so that's about it..stupid post but still i had to post something..till i got something to post, won't be updating blog.


Friday, August 28, 2009
~everyday life~

The blogging sprit is back~

hmm..holiday huh?
not so bad la, at least still can play computer and chat with old friends..

Let's see what has happened this week.

Dad changed new car!! woots, got new car got me to sit from now on..
but i have no pictures of the car at the moment..will post it someday i guess..

My grandma is coming down to JB instead, no wonder i'm not going to KL..at least i will get something from her =D

Brother's birthday last wednesday..happy birthday william!! But u go camp and didn't bring your phone..come back got something to give u =)

Going Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, Satay awaits me at Kajang..haha
go visit my grandmother..will take some pictures for u guys to see later on.

Met some old friends last few days ago..haha nice to see u all again =)
forgot to ask for ur contacts..hope we met again or if u happened to pass by here gimme a shout alright?

Quite a happy week for me, hope all of u guys reading having the same happy holidays..or even better =D




Tuesday, August 18, 2009
~everyday life~

What a day at school, the first thing i see at recess was a fight between chinese and malay, and yes they were arrested by the police.

I don't know the details but i heard a malay screw with the wrong chinese guy, and *slaps, bashes, bruises, and punches* malay gang about 30 over people, chinese gang about 25 people, malay used wooden stick, chinese used the old school fist, draw in the end..

Stupid malays, don't even know how to fight and yet they act so great, stupid malay guy use the wooden stick..whack a chinese guy, next thing u know that chinese guy using the same stick whacking that malay guy instead..

How lame is that, anyway police came about 60 people were arrested. End of story.

Exam coming tomorrow, going to study now, hope it manage to stay in my brain at least for a day..
bye people~


Wednesday, August 12, 2009
~everyday life~

Back to blogging after suffering from backache, fever, flu, and sore throat..
H1H1? maybe, but what the hell i'm still alive and kicking.

Lately so depressed and happy, to hell with this mood swing!!
always making me like this, and i don't have a period thank you very much.
exam next week, haven't studied always doing something else instead..
worried? yes, but willing to make an effort?
what a miserable year it is for me, always sleep in class..brain degrading because never use brain, idiotic me.

Where is the study spirit, why am i like this, i hate myself more than anything now.
no point feeling useless, i need to buck up..but how can i when i reached this point?
laziness is the word for me, what a fucked up person i am..

Seriously, i need to wash my face and start studying..or else what the hell am i suppose to be when i grow up, a toilet cleaner?

Sorry for the emo fucked up post, ain't feeling so great now, just blogging for the sake of it.
if i still remain like this i'll just delete my blog.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009
~everyday life~

OK, this my first time writing a poem myself, so behold my work of art, hope you like it..

It's specially for a person i love, everyone who views this please comment because this is my first time..need to know how is it..comments please!!

She is an angel that shines brightly in my eyes like amber sparks,
with lips as pretty as roses,
and a smile that can make an iceberg melt.

She has a voice that can make me calm right away,
pretty eyes to make my heart pump like no other,
what's happening to me?

A day without hearing her voice just seems so lost,
at times, starring at the phone, wondering when should i call,
troubles seems all gone just by hearing from her lips.

Although there are times when it seems so awkward,
yet i still believe we would work out just fine,
the first time i wrote these words with my mind.

No matter the distance we are afar,
even time will never split us apart,
appealing future through my heart's desire.

I longed to hug you in my arms,
but to hold you now just seems so hard,
yet still i shall wait for the time to come.

If there is a place a sanctuary for me right now,
the place that is will be called "your heart",
how i wish this is all reality, still in the end it's an illusion.

But for you i'll muster every confidence i have,
not being afraid to fall, nor being scared to love,
because for you, i will.

Till the day our world collide,
i'm here building every courage i have,
to say that i love you when we meet.

To the world you may be one,
to me you are the world.
I love you so.


Saturday, July 18, 2009
~everyday life~

Hello once again people from the globe!!
i know i know, haven't blogged in ages..
so as usual my weekly report to you all hungry readers.

As for starters, i have been sleeping late lately..
testerday slept at 7am in the morning, now i have the cutest panda eyes ever, pass few days haven't got time to do anything, because i'm busy with other things..

Sorry to a girl called Shv Zhen, i mistook you for another person and hope you are willing enough to forgive..
This week is rather to say, another boring week but once again knowledge has managed to enter this brain of mine..

I met a playboy, he is in a situation that nobody can help..
all his girl friends..if not wrong there is about 12 to 20 in total..
well i tried to help him but after that, lost hope on him..
now he is avoiding everyone, poor thing..hope he won't come to my blog and reads this.
Lesson of the day, never have too many affairs..be as good as me only loyal to the one and only ^^

Well, no pictures this week because nothing interesting happened, just different day same old crap..
Dinner lately is nice, durian on tuesday, durian bread on thursday, durian kueh on saturday and durian dumpling on sunday. SEI LOR!! tomorrow sure kena pimples T^T

Brain lately not functioning perperly..it must because of lately never use brain ady =.=
Hope exam can get good grades or else bye bye modem..

Ok i gotta go, this post is one of the lamest ever..whatever goodbye



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- Girls XD
- Japanese songs
- Violet (dark purple)
- Gaming


- Tight space..
- Being ignored..
- Insects..
- Irritating people..

My Wishlist

My own house
My own car
My own company
And a beautiful and caring wife..lolz


picture editor/background editor : renwangfuxi (:
basecode combining:Cubes
Basecodes: Yanting, Wenhui, Blend-ed.notes♥

Thanks for creating this blog skin for me to use^^