Trial Location..
Me, Chun Leong, Tong, and his fren was like THE 1ST to start so..we dunno wat to expect..very nervous and the tention was as high as a badminton racket..
turns out Chun Leong didn't do very well..the three of us was ok..lucky the judge (my coach) asked us to do taekguk 3,6 and 8 only..lucky i knew those taekguks..
Then after we finished its was jo-hann's turn and so on..
most of us didn't do's always the case..
why on earth is a cat sleeping there?
ok..thats it for today..stay tuned ok?
Bye ya^^
don't think anyone would know what is's from '.hack//G.U' . It's a avatar named 'skeith' the terror of death..hmm
Now for the addictions:
1. Perfect World
2. Ar Tonelico 2
3. Girls xD
4. MONEY!!
Time to tag..muahahaha..
-woon ann
-pin pin
Go forth and tag other people..spread the love xD
wat we ordered..quite yummy ..after that we went to jusco..
i juz did something stupid there..u know the sensor that will ring when it is not paid? I tried to test wheather it is active by taking a cd and wave it at the sensor..that i didn't noe is that the moment i waved rang..then everybody think it was a theif and started looking at me..OMG
Paiseh lo..juz told the shopkeeper than i accidently drop the cd at the he say be careful next time..lesson next time DON'T TRY THIS or else..u will have the same fate as me..
Juz came back from taekwondo..jing xuan got come cuz of black belt training..then coach brought bread from his shop to let us eat..i took 2 pics of coconut bread for breakfast and lunch..
Thats all for today..stay tune on 'darkra-n' fm..talking crap..bye ya